Rules and Regulations about Establishing Overseas Organization

Rules and Regulations about Establishing Overseas Organization

Article 1 Aims

Japan Sport Wellness Fukiya Association (hereinafter referred to “The Association”), institute Rules and Regulations about Establishing Overseas Organization, such as, General Overseas Branch (Kaigai Sou-Shibu) and Overseas Branch (Kaigai Shibu) (hereinafter referred to the “Overseas Branch (Kaigai Shibu)”), in accordance with Item 12 of Clause 1 and Clause 2 of Article 4 in the Articles of Incorporation of The Association.

Article 2 Name of Overseas Branch

Name of the Overseas Branch shall be ‘Japan Sport Wellness Fukiya Association, ○○○ (Country Name), △△△ (State and/or City Name), □□□Branch’. Country name, State and/or City name shall not be used as it is as the name of the Overseas Branch.

Article 3 Matters which require attention when spreading in overseas

When establishing overseas organization, an organizer must concentrate one’s attention to the situation, culture and law etc. of the country, state and/or city, and shall get necessary permits from the Administration concerned.

Article 4 Overseas Branch

Overseas organization shall be basically Overseas Branch. In case several overseas branches are established in each state and/or city and country, General Overseas Branch shall be established and General Overseas Branch shall unify the local branches in the state and/or city, and country.

Article 5 Jurisdiction

Overseas Branch shall be under the jurisdiction of The Association’s International Department.

Article 6 Prerequisite of the establishment

Overseas Branch shall manage the cost of administration and activities of the branch by themselves. Overseas Branch shall be independent as a general rule.

Article 7 Preparation of the Establishment

An organizer shall prepare the establishment of the Overseas Branch, taking one or two years as the first step, by inviting people in each state and/or city and country to join the Overseas Branch with supporting the purpose and aim of The Association and having will to continue Sport Wellness Fukiya as a lifetime sport.

Article 8 Formation

8.1 After taking enough time to prepare the establishment of the Overseas Branch as mentioned in preceding article, an organizer shall apply establishment of an Overseas Branch with at least five members who will join the branch.
8.2 The Association’s membership card shall be issued to the branch members who join The Association.
8.3 The Association’s bulletin shall be sent to the General Manager of the Overseas Branch. Number of bulletin to be sent is equal to the number of members. General Manager of the branch shall distribute the bulletin to each member.

Article 9 Organization of Overseas Branch

9.1 When applying the establishment of Overseas Branch, Branch’s General Manager and Directors (Deputy General Manager(s), Accountant and Auditor) shall be elected.
9.2 After electing General Manager and Directors, an organizer shall send Application for Establishing an Overseas Branch (copy of the application is acceptable) to The Association’s International Department together with rules and regulations of the overseas branch.
9.3 International Department shall get an approval from the Conference of General Managers and the Board of Directors through the Personnel Committee. After obtaining an approval, Certificates of Overseas Branch and General Manager shall be issued by The Association in the name of The Association’s Chairman.

Article 10 Management of the Overseas Branch

10.1 The Board of Directors of Overseas Branch shall pass a resolution about annual membership fee, administration and activity fee etc. to manage the Branch.
10.2 Management of the Overseas Branch shall be basically independent and thus each member shall pay administration and activity fee in addition to the annual membership fee in accordance with the resolution of the Overseas Branch’s Board of Directors.
10.3 Overseas Branch’s annual membership fee and other fee shall be used for the management of the Overseas Branch and need not pay to The Association. However, fee for the authorization of Dan-Kyu-I shall be paid to The Association in conformity with the rules of The Association.
10.4 In order to avoid any trouble concerning Overseas Branch’s disbursement and receipt of money, Overseas Branch shall open new Bank Account to be used for the Overseas Branch’s money movement only.
10.5 Branch’s annual settlement of accounts shall be prepared in the name of General Manager and shall be audited by the auditor.
10.6 A copy of annual settlement of accounts shall be sent to the Association’s International Department after obtaining an approval from Overseas Branch’s Board of Directors.

Article 11 Authorization of Dan-Kyu-I Grades

In case Overseas Branch has certified instructors and/or senior certified instructors among their members, they can judge the Dan-Kyu-I test in conformity with the rules and regulations of The Association. Dan-Kyu-I Certificate shall be issued by The Association.

Article 12 Participation of the Championship, Meets and Festivals

In case members belong to Overseas Branch wish to participate the National Championship, Meets and Festivals to be held in Japan, name of his or her branch shall be Overseas Branch (self-assessment system).

Article 13 Report

13.1 General Manager of the Overseas Branch shall send Monthly Activity Report mentioning the change of number of members, monthly activities etc. to The Association’s International Department every end of the month. (Report by e-mail is acceptable.)
13.2 International Department shall submit these reports from Overseas Branches to Organization Administration Department.

Article 14 Sending Directors

The Association may send Directors from the Board, International, Education and Organization Administration Department to the Overseas Branch. Travelling expenses shall be borne by The Association.

Article 15 Purchase of Authorized Equipment

Overseas Branch shall conclude the contract with the appointed seller about the purchase of authorized equipment in accordance with the basic guideline concluded between The Association and the appointed seller. At this time, it is advisable that both parties shall agree who will pay the transportation cost, custom duties etc.

Article 16 Dismissal of Directors

The Association keeps the right to dismiss the directors of the Overseas Branch in the name of The Association’s Chairman after the resolution of the Board of Directors, if the directors of Overseas Branch violate the rules and regulations of The Association.

Article 17 Dissolution

The Association keeps the right to dissolve the Overseas Branch in the name of The Association’s Chairman after the resolution of the Board of Directors, if the said overseas organization violates the rules and regulations of The Association.

Article 18 Others

Other subjects related to the management of the Overseas Branch shall be discussed between The Association and the Overseas Branch.

Article 19 Revision

The revision of these rules and regulations shall be resolved at the conference of the Highest Executives through the discussion at the conference of General Managers. Then the revision shall be submitted to the Board of Directors and shall be resolved, approved and enforced.

Additional Rule

These rules and Regulations shall be enforced as from July 1st 2013.

Additional Rule

These rules and regulations shall be revised and enforced as from April 1st 2016.

Additional Rule

These rules and regulations shall be revised and enforced as from February 16th 2018.

Application for Establishing an Overseas Branch(PDF)
